Bigbloc Construction Limited contributes towards Sustainable Development and diminish emission of green House Gas- save Earth from the Global Warming through its Innovative Business " Aerated Autoclave Concrete (AAC) Blocks -Â
At every step in the manufacturing process, we employ eco-friendly processes not just to abide by laws but also to sustain and take forward the 'green' traditions that form a rich part of our heritage. Effluent treatment is carried out using the latest state-of-the-art technology. We are continuously greening all our plants, residential and other facilities. Big bloc’s employees are committed to contribute to the realization of sustainable development through their everyday activities. BCL strives to reduce the consumption of resources and energy to facilitate the efficient use of finite natural resources.
Bigbloc Construction Limited as a responsible corporate citizen has the view that corporates who benefit from the society must give back something to the society; that an organisation with the power to affect human lives must use the power wisely, and not abuse it. With this as its central philosophy, Bigbloc Construction Limited donate through Sitaram Saboo Charitable Trust for social causes like education and clean drinking water to the poor in various parts of the country. It continues to outstanding work, touching thousands of lives every day.